Wood Disc milled

Sold By : Checkmate


Price Summary
  • $25.00
  • $25.00
  • $25.00
In Stock
SKU: 30 Category: Tags: , ,

This is a pine disk with red oak stain and polyurethane varnish. The back is milled out to allow the shaft of a clock movement to come out further (see pics). It available to be purchased alone or with one of our large metal art clocks.

This disc can be combined with any of our “large” metal art clocks. However, the normal metal art clock movement has a 1/4 inch long shaft. Adding this wood disc requires a clock movement with a 3/4 inch shaft.

If this wood disc is ordered with a large metal art clock you will get free shipping on this wood part and we will build the clock with the 3/4 inch movement.

At this time there are 3 large metal art clock faces to choose from:

  – Michigan Clock large

 – Cherry Clock large

 – Metal Lace Clock large


Note: Photos are stock photos are stock photos and there are variations in the look of wood. The metal art clocks shown are not included.


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