Generic Sign small

Sold By : Checkmate


Price Summary
  • $6.00
  • $6.00
  • $6.00
Out of Stock
SKU: 13 Category: Tags: , ,

These signs are made of 18 ga steel. These signs are approximately 1 3/4 inches tall and 8 inches wide. Note: This is a stock photo.

Add one of these generic signs to one of our small fish and you have a custom wall art Gone Fishin' sign or Welcome sign. You could use multiple fish and mount everything on a plaque for an even more custom look. If you get both a welcome sign and a gone fishing sign, you can swap therm when you are home or out.

When you order please specify one of the 6 sign types.

You can receive free shipping for a sign if you order the sign and order a small fish at the same time. Currently available small fish include:

– Small Baylee Trout (black, copper)

– Small Baylee Bass (black, copper)

– Small Trout (black, copper)

– Small Bass (black, copper)

Note1: These signs are also available in brushed copper patina finish. Please note in the order that you want bushed copper patina.

Note2: The stock photo shows some older versions. All current items have the same dimensions and the mounting holes are in the same place on all the signs.


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