Ballarina Dance Owl Shabby Chic Eco Friendly Personalized Wood Keepsake Clothing Costume Bathroom To

Sold By : Birch Tree Kids


Price Summary
  • $69.99
  • $69.99
  • $69.99
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This adorable shabby chic ballet rack in white, pale pink and green will make your little “dancer” smile as she hangs her favorite outfits, slippers and costumes. This rack is also available with an ice skating owl to display skating outfits and medals. Please specify which design and rack color at the time of purchase. Any colors to match your nursery or bedroom is available along with any wording that is 5 letters or less including your child's name. Pictured on the right is a custom made rack with “ALOHA” for a new adopted baby from Hawaii. Dimensions: Rack: 23″L X 3.5″H Owl: 10″H X 7″W Wood Letters: 5.5″H X 3.5″W as shown on lavender shelf only


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